Category: Games
Frequently Asked*? – Why does my CV have so much about Comics and Games on it?
On Linkedin I see near unending advice on how you should laser focus the tailoring of your CV to each individual role you apply for, and yes, I do some of that: I have chunks of content I can add or remove, words I re-order and sentences I re-phrase for each role I apply for.…
Pico 8 and The Legend of Dracenstein
I made a game on the excellent Pico 8. I very much recommend giving Pico 8 a go. It was called ‘The Legend of Dracenstein‘. I’m really pleased with how it came out and I’ve found Pico8 excellent to use: as a result I think it’s the first of many games I’ve started making that…
Dungeons, Dragons, Scenes and Complexity
In the last year, i’ve been playing D&D both as the Dungeon Master and as a Player, and here are some of the things i’ve observed which I think creates a successful session or dungeon. It’s based around the notion that the three pillars of D&D, are: Roleplay Combat Exploration Rather than have separate scenes…
Game Over
The game may be over… …but do we know who won? As the members of the excellent Newcastle Playtest group will know, my preference is for games that do not require a counting of things and adding up of points after it has ended. Adding up the Victory Points is a very well used mechanic in modern…
Boardgame Jam – How it Went
Make and Mend Market, 21st September 2013 Hosted by the Star & Shadow Cinema So, on Saturday, myself and Alexi Conman* set out to run a Boardgame Jam as part of the Make and Mend Market at the Star and Shadow Cinema. I’d not really planned much beyond obtaining about fifteen quids worth of old…