Category: Uncategorized
Frequently Asked*? – Why does my CV have so much about Comics and Games on it?
On Linkedin I see near unending advice on how you should laser focus the tailoring of your CV to each individual role you apply for, and yes, I do some of that: I have chunks of content I can add or remove, words I re-order and sentences I re-phrase for each role I apply for.…
A Cube of Sea
Going back a year or so, myself and my kid contributed two pages to “The Sea… and that” – a Paper Jam Comics Collective Anthology. This was the first post covid/lockdown anthology and probably had one of the smartest covers we’ve had. It was printed in Black and White, but originally created as an A1…
Winter / Spring 2018 Events (January to April)
Weekend 28th and 29th April: Paper Jam Comics Collective: Maker Faire The Debut of the Comics Robot Go, which was built specifically for this excellent occasion. Saturday 21st April: Paper Jam Comics Collective: Baltic Self-Published Artist Market and Maker Faire 15th February to 15th March: A Hidden Cartography An exhibition I curated and a book launch…